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Serendipity in Omnichannel Marketing

PharmaComms TV February 12, 2021 3977 No Comments


What is Your Reality? We have realised that now, more than ever, we need to hear voices from the industry. We need to talk about how we reinvent the way we communicate. The days of the face-to-face are gone (for now),  and omnichannel and digital marketing channels in pharma are the new gridlock. Locked in... Read more »

GSK’s ViiV launches campaign for new HIV medicine with real patient ambassadors

David Stafford October 9, 2019 5747 No Comments


GlaxoSmithKline’s ViiV Healthcare launched its first campaign for new two-in-one HIV pill Dovato with real patients who want to be seen for who they are, not just their diagnosis. The “Everything That I Am” campaign has four patient ambassadors for the brand—Alphonso, Kalvin, LáDeia and Leo. With a website, TV, print and digital promotions, the... Read more »